Black Friday 2018

Monday, November 30, 2009

DC Christmas Concert

2009 Christmas Concert

Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center

Thursday, 10 December 2009

7:30 p.m.

Washington Community Fellowship Church

9th Street and Maryland Avenue, NE

Washington, DC

Featuring local Christian artists

Styles: classical, folk, gospel, blues, and world

Free Will Donation Accepted

Monday, November 16, 2009

Missing CRI's Bible Answer Man

It's just after 7PM on Monday night. This used to be the time that CRI's Bible Answer Man show broadcast on WAVA 105.1FM. But alas the show went off due to lack of support in the DC area a few months ago. Am I the only one who misses it?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Praying for America: An Attack on Fort Hood

Apparently, there's just been an attack on Fort Hood in Texas. At least 7 are believed dead. Please pray for America and all the families affected.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Abraham Lincoln Quote on T-shirts, Stickers & More

Abraham Lincoln is the newest president featured in Best of Washington DC T-shirts and Gifts' Presidential Quotes section. The sixteenth president's quote says: "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right." Lincoln's quote is available on t-shirts, stickers, and other gift items. This quote is reported to have been President Lincoln's response to being asked which side God was on in the U.S. Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln Quote Button

Thursday, July 30, 2009

New DC T-shirts and Gifts

On our newest DC T-shirts, mini DC flags make up a pattern on the letters DC. These miniature versions of the Washington DC flag are red on a white background. Available on t-shirts, mugs, water bottles, stickers, bags & more. From Best of Washington DC T-shirts and Gifts.

DC Flag Print White T-shirt

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hot Places for a Cool Wallet in DC this Summer

You may have heard the adage that DC shuts down in July and August. Not so! Whether you're vacationing in Washington DC or staycationing to save cash, there are lots of fun places to go. To add to the fun, entrance is free to these hot spots. (Some of the listed activities have a nominal fee.) Read on and learn where in Washington DC you can go horse back riding, rent a paddle boat or see a great blue heron.

Rock Creek Park is where locals have picnics and family gatherings. While Rock Creek is the park's most notable feature, also there are several wonderful hiking and biking trails. And you can go for a horse back ride during a guided horse tour. Of course, if you bring your own horse, remember to stay on the bridled trails!
Rock Creek Park Nature Center
5200 Glover Road NW
Washington DC

Bordering downtown DC, the Tidal Basin is an inlet of the Potomac River. It's home to the Jefferson Memorial and the FDR memorial. The Tidal Basin is also where the cherry trees of Cherry Blossom Festival fame are planted. In addition to those attractions, you can rent a paddle boat or take a leisurely stroll here.

Located on the banks of the Anacostia River, visit Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens for the waterlilies and lotus blossoms. Known also as a spot for birding, you may see great blue herons, marsh wrens, mallards, or Canada geese. For hikers, don't miss the .7 mile boardwalk trail that leads to the marsh.
Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
1550 Anacostia Avenue, NE
Washington DC

Saturday, July 11, 2009

DC DMV Ends In-Person Registration Renewal

Effective Monday July 13, DC DMV is ending in-person registration renewal. Citizens will have to renew their registration online or by mail. Learn more here.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

James K. Polk Quote on the Constitution

President James K. Polk quote: "One great object of the Constitution was to restrain majorities from oppressing minorities or encroaching upon their just rights." Quote is from his inaugural address and is available on t-shirts, stickers and other gift items. From Best of Washington DC T-shirts and Gifts.

James K. Polk Quote Button

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

William Henry Harrison Quote on Power

This quote from William Henry Harrison says: "There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power." Available on t-shirts, stickers and other gift items.

William Henry Harrison Quote on Government Dark T-shirt

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Martin Van Buren Quote on Government

In a message to Congress during the Panic of 1837, President Martin Van Buren included a remark that seems like it could be said today. Van Buren said:"The less government interferes with private pursuits, the better for general prosperity." Bank failures & an economic depression characterized the Panic. Quote is available on t-shirts, stickers and other gifts at Best of Washington DC T-shirts and Gifts.

Martin Van Buren Quote on Government Bumper Sticker

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Same Sex "Marriage" Controversy in DC

In May 2009, the DC City Council approved a bill to recognize same sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. Last week the DC Board of Elections and Ethics said the matter should not go before DC voters in referendum. Seven supporters of traditional marriage have filed a lawsuit to overturn the Board's decision.

A few reasons to support traditional marriage
Some would have us believe that not recognizing marriage between people of the same sex would violate their civil or human rights. Little could be further from reality. Here are a few reasons why.

First, recognizing same sex marriages would redefine the historical definition of marriage. Historically and traditionally, our society has defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Secondly, we need the union of males and females for the procreation and continuation of the human race. Once we begin to recognize unions that cannot naturally reproduce, we put our society in demographic danger. We can reach a point that we won't have enough people to keep our society going.

In addition, we must remember the right to freedom of religion. If same sex marriage is recognized, the free practice of religion is hindered. Religious institutions and individuals that cannot recognize same sex marriage because of their religious convictions will be criminalized. Here's an example. In Massachusetts, we've already seen a Catholic adoption agency go out of business because the state declared the agency's religious practice of not allowing homosexual couples to adopt illegal. Orphans lose. Society loses. Is this what we want for DC?

Finally, if we redefine marriage and allow two men or two women to marry, we provide the basis for other nontraditional unions to be legalized as marriage. On what grounds will tell three or more persons that can't be married to each other? How then can tell close relatives that can't marry each other? What will stop people from claiming the right to marry small children or pets?

There are more reasons to support traditional marriage, but dcgal will leave those for a future post.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Andrew Jackson Quote on Peace

President Andrew Jackson's quote on peace says: " to be desired, but blood must sometimes be spilled to obtain it on equable and lasting terms." Gen. Jackson was 7th President of the United States. This quote is on buttons, t-shirts and other gift items at Best of Washington DC T-shirts and Gifts.
Did you know?
As as general in the War of 1812, Jackson won a victory against the British at New Orleans.

Andrew Jackson Quote Button

Monday, June 08, 2009

John Quincy Adams Quote on Voting

The following famous quote from John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the U.S., is available on t-shirts, stickers, buttons and other gift items. The former president said: "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
Did you know?
No candidate received a majority of electoral votes when John Quincy Adams ran for president. Therefore, the House of Representatives chose Adams as president from the top three candidates.

John Quincy Adams Quote Button

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

James Monroe Quote on Government

Quote by James Monroe, 5th President of the United States: "The best form of government is that which is most likely to prevent the greatest sum of evil." This quote is available on t-shirts, stickers and other gift items at Best of Washington DC T-shirts and Gifts.
Did you know?
Monroe became famous for his foreign policy known as the Monroe doctrine.

James Monroe Bumper Sticker

Standing for Marriage in DC

When: June 10, 2009 @ 10:30AM

Where: Room 220 South of the One Judiciary Square building at 441 Fourth Street, N.W.
(This notice reflects a room change from the city's original announcement.)

What: The DC Board of Elections and Ethics is holding a special board meeting to decide if same-sex marriage is a "proper subject for referendum". If you want DC voters to have a chance to vote on this important issue, plan to attend.

If you would like to testify at the hearing, please call 202-727-2525 to place your name on the docket.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Supprt our Troops

Adopt a Platoon
makes it possible for Americans to support our troops by lifting their spirits with cards, care packages and letters. This nonprofit organization supports troops in all branches of the US military. Their site explains the various ways Americans can support our troops including one-time holiday support or on-going weekly support.

*Best of Washington DC T-shirts and Gifts is not affiliated with this group in any way, but provides the link as a public service.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Book Sale

The Friends of the Woodridge Library are holding a Book Sale on Saturday May
2 from 9:30 AM to 4 PM. The library is located at the corner of 18th Street
and Rhode Island Avenue NE. Come early for some great deals! Select from a
wide selection - fiction, cookbooks, self-help, memoirs, books on tape,
videos and more! For more information, call the Library at (202) 541-6226
or e-mail at woodridgefriends@

Monday, April 13, 2009

Greater Brookland Garden Club Plant Sale

Greater Brookland Garden Club Plant Sale

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Long and Foster parking lot at 12th Street and Newton NE
Come by for a great selection of native and ornamental landscape
plants and flowering perennials.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Great Brookland Yard Sale 2009

Great Brookland Yard Sale 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
10:00 AM until 2:00PM
Brookland residents to host concurrent yard sales. Individual yard sale times can vary. See Yard Sale Map for locations. For more info., visit: The Brookland Blog

View Great Brookland Yard Sale 2009 in a larger map

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

James Madison Quote on Law

Here's one of James Madison's quote on law. He said: "It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood." Get this quote on t-shirts, stickers and other gear.

Did you know?
James Madison has been referred to as the "Father of the Constitution".

James Madison Quote Mug

Thomas Jefferson Quote on T-shirts & More

This quote from Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States says: "Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever..." This quotation is on t-shirts, stickers, and other gift items. Jefferson was also author of the Declaration of Independence.

Did you know?
Jefferson died on the same day as former president John Adams, July 4 1826.

Thomas Jefferson Quote Sticker (Bumper)

Monday, March 16, 2009

President John Adams Quote on T-shirts & Gifts

This quote is from John Adams, founding father and 2nd president of the United States. "Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."

Did you know?
Adams was the first resident of the White House.

John Adams Quote Sticker (Bumper)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Quotes by Presidents on T-shirts, Stickers & Other Gifts

We now have quotes from American presidents on our t-shirts and other gift items. Today we're introducing our George Washington gifts. The George Washington quote says: "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." is on gifts and t-shirts. Prior to becoming president, Gen. Washington was famous as the victorious general of the Revolutionary War.

George Washington Quote Sticker (Bumper)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

DC Fab

We just heard about DC Fab! at, an info-tainment Web site dedicated to several cities across the U.S. including DC.

Back from Maternity Leave

Our hiatus is over. dc gal took maternity leave after she and hubbie had a little boy on Valentine's Day. dcbaby weighed 7lbs 6oz at birth and is doing well.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Remembering Black History Month: Pearl Fryar

Topiary artist Pearl Fryar didn't know what a topiary was when he set out to be the first African-American to win his town's Garden of the Month award in 1984. Today his 3 acre yard in Bishopville, S.C. is a tourist destination for visitors from around the world. Fryar is the subject of the documentary A Man Named Pearl.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Obama Quote Surprises Prolife Community

President Barack Obama surprised the pro-life community last week with his life-affirming remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast. He said: "There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being."

Barack Obama Quote Bumper Sticker

Remebering Black History Month: Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth was born a slave named Isabella in 1797. The abolitionist later changed her name to reflect her life's work. She viewed herself as a traveling orator called to tell the truth of God's Word and the sin of slavery. Truth also spoke often on women's rights.

Sojourner Truth White T-shirt

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Video Shows Planned Parenthood Ignores Sexual Abuse of Minor

Life Action, a California-based pro life group, has just released an undercover video that shows Planned Parenthood ignoring child sexual abuse. The footage was taken at Tuscon Arizona Planned Parenthood clinic. The video shows an actress, posing as a pregnant 15-year-old, who informs Planned Parenthood staff that the baby's father is age 27. Instead of fulfilling the legal requirement to report the abuse, Planned Parenthood advised the girl not to bring the man to her judicial review hearing. (The hearing is required by Arizona law to waive parental consent for the abortion.)

Watch the video:

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Remembering Black History Month: 1st Black Senator

Hiram Revels was the first African-American elected to the United States Senate. He represented the state of Mississippi and completed the term that had been abandoned by Jefferson Davis.

Hiram Revels Postcards (Package of 8)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Add Banned from the Superbowl

Here's a great ad about the potential of each human life. The group that created it wanted to air during the Superbowl. Unfortunately, NBC censored this ad as "too political".

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Remembering Black History Month: Frederick Douglass

African-American abolitionist Frederick Douglass is well-known as an outstanding historical figure of 19th century America. He was an orator who spoke against slavery and a writer who published the "North Star", an anti-slavery newspaper. In 1845, Frederick Douglass published the slave narrative, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. It was the first of his three autobiographies.
His Connection to Washington DC
In 1872, Douglass came to live in DC. He served the city in several capacities, including US Marshall for the District of Columbia.

Framed Frederick Douglass Portrait

Monday, February 02, 2009

Remembering Black History Month: Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was a key figure in America's anti-slavery movement during the 19th century. Known as the "Moses of her People", Tubman was the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad. She is believed to have led over 300 slaves to freedom. She also spied for the Union Army during the Civil War.

Harriet Tubman Button

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Top 10 Places to Visit in Washington DC

Looking for some places to go while you or out-of-town guests are in DC? Check our travel guide Top 10 Places to Visit in Washington DC. It includes where in Washington DC you can go horse back riding, rent a paddle boat, or see a great blue heron.